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The Mountain View Family Resource Network (MVFRN) Hub
The MVFRN HUB provides services to families, children, youth, and the community in Mountain View County. Services include information of programs and services that are available either within the MVFRN or in the community. Hub services may also provide support to families and youth who would benefit from supports to identify and prioritize needs, connect to services, and have someone who will help coordinate and access supports.
Parent Education
MVFRN provides opportunity for parents and caregivers to build on caregiver capacity. These parent education opportunities are for parents and caregivers who are expecting a child or have a child under the age of 18 years. Parent education supports are tailored to the family and their unique experiences.
Child and Youth Development and Well-Being Services
Child and Youth Development and Well-Being Services focus on social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual development of children and youth from birth to the age of 18 years. Through these services and programs, children, youth, and their families experience enriched learning opportunities that enhance development and well-being.
Family and Youth Support Services
Family and Youth Services recognize that families and youth have unique experiences and, at times, need help to navigate these. Families and youth are supported to help address these experiences with individualized support from a Family and Youth Resource Specialist.

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